Bloomberg Law provides electronic access to legal materials along with news and company information. This service also provides access to federal and selected state court dockets and filings, in addition to a full complement of BNA online resources.
UT Law only (password required)
Fastcase provides students with access to a full collection of cases, statutes, admin regs and constitutions, as well as most court rules and attorney general opinions.
Provides PDFs of full runs of law journals. Also includes the Federal Register, archival editions of the Code of Federal Regulations, treaties and agreements, state and federal session laws, the English Reports (full reprint), United States Supreme Court decisions, opinions of the United States Attorney General, American Law Institute materials, an archive of foreign and international legal resources, and much more.
Campus and Off-Campus with NetID
The weekday Financial Times newspaper is one of the world's leading business, politics and world-affairs news and information sources. Relied upon by business leaders, government ministers, international entrepreneurs, bankers, investors, educators and students to keep them informed about the events that really matter.